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Dirtybird CampINN

Dirtybird CampINN
Trolley Stop
Trolley Map
Grab your bags and pack your best Dirtybird gear, we are going all INN as we migrate back to the East Coast June 8-11 2023. Celebrating the third edition of Dirtybird CampINN, the ultimate music festival experience merged with a full resort takeover. Located in Orlando, Florida our footprint is dancing its way back into the Wyndham Orlando Resort. With nonstop tomfoolery, this is the celebration you don’t want to miss.
Come soak in the sun and splash into the weekend at Bird Bath stage, or if you want to feel the heat and let your groove flow at Lava Lab. Take a cool down from the dance floor and enjoy some fun shows at Claude’s Cove. With our color teams led by our iconic team leaders, Flamingo Fam, Gator Gang and Scuba Squad – the competition stays brewing.