I-Drive Supports Pine Hills Elementary in Adopt-A-School Program

The International Drive Master Transit and Improvement District continues its support of Pine Hills Elementary School for the 2009-2010 school year with new plans for this ongoing partnership. The school which is located in Orlando, opened its doors in 1954. The District began working the school during the 2005-2006 school year.
This volunteer effort takes place each year in conjunction with the Central Florida Hospitality and Lodging Association (CFHLA) Adopt-A-School program. The CFHLA organization formed this important program in 2002 with the mission to identify, develop and promote positive community partnerships between every public school in Central Florida and with the CFHLA Membership.
“This is one of our most important partnerships for the District and it gives us great personal satisfaction,” says Luann Brooks, executive director of the International Drive Master Transit & Improvement District.
“In this uncertain economy, we see our involvement in the Adopt-A-School Program as even more critical than ever before. With the support of our District Partners we have been able to make a positive impact by helping the students and their teachers and we are very proud of our achievements. We look forward to continuing our support.”
Programs and activities began in July with a School Supply Drive for Pine Hills and Tangelo Park. Held at the YMCA, the drive was a success for both schools. On the first day of school, the District Partners provided refreshments for 250 parents. Monthly incentives for teachers have included discount cards from attractions and restaurants. For the November Teach-in program, meals were provided for 125 participants. The school was given 90 lanyards in school colors.
Upcoming projects include:
  • Provide dinner for teachers for the March 11, 2009 FCAT night.
  • Provide I-Ride Trolley transportation for teachers to attend A Gift for teaching Initiative.
  • Monthly honor roll celebrations for students with bumper stickers and pencils.
  • May 3 through 2009, will provide items for Teacher Appreciation Days.
  • Support for Student of the Month program.
  • Provide beverages and cookies following a play in March 2009 for Black History Month.
  • Provide I-Ride Trolley transportation for Pine Hills Safety patrols to a Magic game on May 20, 2009.
New plans for the 2009/2010 school year to include:
  • Researching sponsorships and the opportunity for a book drive.
  • Drive for toiletries and cleaning products.
  • Seek hotel partners to provide dishes to be used for parent-teacher events.
Pine Hills Elementary School Principal Debra Gore says that the efforts of the District have greatly enhanced teacher morale and has also helped students and their parents. It is a win-win for everyone.
“Students are going to be as successful as their teachers,” she says. “The District’s support of teachers in so many ways has enabled the teachers to stay focused on their goals of helping their students.”
Gore, in her fifth year at Pine Hills Elementary, says that the District provided dinners for teachers during conference nights, enabling teachers to have a break and refocus
“The District has also collected items for families…coats, socks, jackets. Imagine how wonderful it is to be able to give a student a clean, warm jacket to wear when it is cold. We have called and asked for items that we need and the District responds. Their involvement means everything to us.”
Previously, the International Drive District partners also donated hundreds of dollars worth of audio visual equipment, office furniture, computer equipment, paper and office supplies.
Brooks says that the District is in the process of looking ahead to the 2010-2011 school year and establishing new goals to help as many teachers and students as possible.
Created in 1992, the District is a special taxing district formed under a public-private initiative with Orange County, the City of Orlando and the businesses of the International Drive Resort Area. Recognized as an outstanding example of cooperation between three distinct entities, this is the first district of this type established in Florida and is now used by other regions as a model. The District is comprised of three separate Municipal Service Taxing Units (MSTU) that are jointly operated under this unique partnership by a Governing Board and an Advisory Board.
For more information on the District’s involvement with the Adopt-A-School program or information regarding the District itself, please contact Ana Murillo at 407-248-9590.

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